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Our Mistakes

We are committed to upholding our values in every action, and recognize that there are moments when we fall short of this commitment. Here is a living list of specific moments when we have not fully upheld our values. We share this so that we may learn from our mistakes, so that we may be held accountable to our communities, stakeholders, Fellows, our values of fearless transparency and embodied integrity, and ourselves. And we share so that we may work to practice humble leadership that centers vulnerability, relationships, and community over ego. While this list surely cannot contain the many small or more amorphous moments of misalignment, we share it to ground the conversation of upholding values in tangible moments. We recognize that living these values is a constant practice and are committed to that practice.


To read more, click the boxes below.

Embodied Integrity  

Moments when we didn’t live into a rigorous practice of our values and vision. 

Equity in Action  
Moments where we fell short of leading with love and equity, practicing care in our relationships, and building a community that welcomes those who are often left out or harmed.

Fearless Transparency

Moments where we fell short on openly communicating, proactively naming our mistakes, working to heal harm caused, leaning into difference and discomfort, and forgiving with grace.

Innovation in all Things

Moments where we missed the mark on centering and creatively addressing the needs of our community.

Service + Sacrifice  

Moments when we prioritized comfort over service, self over community. 

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